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Urban regeneration Liverpool UK Albert Dock

Urban regeneration Liverpool UK Albert Dock

2800 words including references. In order to study and analyse British city cultural regeneration, Liverpool has been chosen as a representative city, in view of its significance and comprehensive understanding of urban culture in urban regeneration processes. Therefore, Liverpool can be used to investigate the relationship between re-used old buildings and urban regeneration processes, as well as their effects on the city. Similarly to other European countries, Britain is familiar with urban cultural regeneration, considers culture as an important part of its urban development strategy and sees cultural development-related issues as connected with urban cultural development, rather than isolated. After London, Liverpool has the highest number of World Heritage Sites and has become one of the country’s main cities thanks to its understanding of cultural aspects and the relationship between urban and social development. More importantly, Britain has also established a set of effective methodologies related to operations, implementation and management.

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