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An analysis of the reasons why people living in the U.K. attend events

An analysis of the reasons why people living in the U.K. attend events

Dissertation. Modern event industry is stronger than it was in the past, as there is a growing number of people holding and attending events. In England, for example, it is not unusual for people to go out every night and attend all kinds of events. Because every event has a purpose and the people who attend it serve that purpose, it is crucial that event planners and organisers should always find a way to convince people to be part of it.
The United Kingdom, similarly to other English-speaking countries, attracts numerous foreign students who, despite having different cultural backgrounds, do not mind attending events whilst abroad, probably because they see such occasions as excellent opportunities to make new friends, escape boredom or enjoy themselves. This report focuses on the factors that encourage Chinese students to attend events whilst studying in the United Kingdom. It also attempts to identify the types of events they are more likely to go to and enjoy. From the study it emerged that the majority of Chinese students living in the United Kingdom attend events just to occupy their free time and rarely participate in social activities unless they are organised by the universities where they study.

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