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Renault and Nissan’s cross-border strategic alliance

Renault and Nissan’s cross-border strategic alliance

Renault and Nissan’s cross-border strategic alliance. What importance in its success do you attribute to different factors including preparations made before signing the alliance agreement, the role of alliance CEO, and to the way the process of collaboration was organised?

The present report attempts to determine whether certain factors, including adequate preparation and the role of alliance CEO, can contribute to the success of a strategic alliance. The study revolves around Renault and Nissan’s cross-border strategic alliance, analysing its preparatory stage, its development as well as the latest phases of their co-operation. From an analysis of the various stages of their alliance, it emerged that what made Renault and Nissan’s cooperation fruitful and successful was a combination of factors, including the strategies implemented by Ghosn, the alliance CEO, trust, respect for each other’s cultural characteristics and knowledge of their respective strengths and weaknesses. One of the aspects that certainly contributed to making Renault and Nissan’s alliance successful was a long courtship period, thanks to which the two companies became familiar with each other’s characteristics and cultural backgrounds.

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