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Severe preeclampsia symptoms with seizure activity or coma. - ANSWER ==Eclampsia A variant of gestational hypertension where hematologic conditions coexist with severe preeclampsia and hepatic dysfunction. - ANSWER ==HELLP syndrome Hypertension beginning after the 20th week of pregnancy with no proteinuria. - ANSWER ==Gestational Hypertension Impaired tolerance to glucose with the first onset or recognition during pregnancy. - ANSWER ==Gestational Diabetes Severe morning sickness with unrelenting, excessive nausea or vomiting that prevents adequate intake of food and fluids. - ANSWER ==Hyperemesis gravidum

Severe preeclampsia symptoms with seizure activity or coma. - ANSWER ==Eclampsia   A variant of gestational hypertension where hematologic conditions coexist with severe preeclampsia and hepatic dysfunction. - ANSWER ==HELLP syndrome   Hypertension beginning after the 20th week of pregnancy with no proteinuria. - ANSWER ==Gestational Hypertension   Impaired tolerance to glucose with the first onset or recognition during pregnancy. - ANSWER ==Gestational Diabetes   Severe morning sickness with unrelenting, excessive nausea or vomiting that prevents adequate intake of food and fluids. - ANSWER ==Hyperemesis gravidum

1. How can I help him today? a. He isn’t himself. He’s been whining and refusing to eat. I think he’s saying that his tummy hurts. When I took a look at his tummy, it had a big bruise. 2. Does he have any other symptoms or concerns we should discuss? a. Yeah, he vomited once last night, and he just keeps rubbing his entire stomach. He’s not his usual, cheerful self. He’s really low in energy and withdrawn. He pees less - you know, I’m not changing so many wet diapers, and his pee is dark and strong smelling. Um, oh, and you can see, he’s still kind of sweaty and clammy. He seemed to be breathing fast – maybe he’s nervous. 3. When did his abdominal pain start? a. About 2 days ago. 4. What are the events surrounding the start of his abdominal pain? a. My boyfriend says my baby fell from the bed during a nap and the problems started after that. I don’t really know what he hit when that happened, but all his problems started: whining, being really low energy or withdrawn, not eating, and peeing less. He even vomited once last night. 5. Does anything make the pain in his abdomen better or worse? a. He seems to be worse when I touch him, or pick him up.

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