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2024 CNA Final Exam Review ( Version 1 ) A++ Exam with All New Qs & As - Guaranteed Pass!

2024 CNA Final Exam Review ( Version 1 ) A++ Exam with All New Qs & As - Guaranteed Pass!

1. What is one important reason why bed linens should remain wrinkle-free?-
Answer: To help keep the skin healthy and prevent pressure ulcers
2. What is the term for a device that replaces a missing body part?
Answer: Prosthesis
3. Exercises that put each joint through its full arc of motion are called
Answer: Rangeof motion
4. Which of the following isthe correct way to remove a gown?
Answer: Unfasten gownat neck and waist and roll the dirty side in while holding
gown away from the body.
5. How many times can disposable gloves be worn before being discarded?
Answer: - One time
6. To best communicate with a visually impaired resident,the NA should
Answer: Identify herself when she enters the room
7. The best way for an NA to provide foot care for a diabetic resident isto
Answer: Observe the feet regularly for signs of sores or infection
8. If a resident starts to fall, the best thing an NA can do is to
Answer: Widen her stanceand bring the resident's body close to her
9. An NA should use friction for at least seconds when
washing herhands.
Answer: 20
10. Which of the following is a term for a legal document that designateswhat kind
of care a person wants if he is unable to make that decision himself?
Answer: Advance directive
11. Which temperature site is generally considered to be the most accurate?-
Answer: Rectum (rectal)

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