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Business Law in Canada 12th Canadian

Business Law in Canada 12th Canadian

Business Law in Canada, 12e (Yates/Bereznicki-Korol/Clarke)
Chapter 1 Managing Your Legal Affairs
1) In the context of a sophisticated client, "sophisticated" can best be defined as
A) complicated, self-reliant, and cosmopolitan.
B) refined and cultured.
C) simple and naïve.
D) confident, knowledgeable, and up to date.
E) aggressive, dynamic, and forceful.
Answer: D
Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 2
Topic: Ch. 1 - Becoming a Sophisticated Client
Skill: Recall
Objective: Chapter 1: 1. Explain the meaning of "sophisticated client."
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
2) Which of the following best describes the likelihood of a student becoming involved in a
situation necessitating legal advice?
A) A student, or someone close to a student, sometimes becomes involved in such a situation.
B) A student, or someone close to the student, will always become involved in such a situation.
C) Because students are not business people, they never become involved in such situations.
D) Because students cannot be sophisticated, they will often become involved in such situations.
E) Legal advice is not available to students.
Answer: A
Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 3
Topic: Ch. 1 - "I Think I Need Legal Advice..."
Skill: Applied
Objective: Chapter 1: 1. Explain the meaning of "sophisticated client."
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
3) Becoming a sophisticated client will
A) ensure that a business person never needs a lawyer.
B) help a business person manage her legal affairs more efficiently and effectively.
C) result in a business person developing a bias against lawyers.
D) relieve a business person from having to conduct legal research.
E) protect a business person from needing legal advice.
Answer: B
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 3
Topic: Ch. 1 - "I Think I Need Legal Advice..."
Skill: Applied
Objective: Chapter 1: 1. Explain the meaning of "sophisticated client."
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
4) Having a good lawyer on your team is
A) usually too expensive to be worthwhile.
B) only necessary for large companies.
C) a good alternative to becoming a sophisticated client.
D) a legal requirement prior to incorporating a business.
E) a critical component of being a sophisticated client.
Answer: E
Diff: 3 Type: MC Page Ref: 4
Topic: Ch. 1 - Becoming a Sophisticated Client
Skill: Applied
Objective: Chapter 1: 1. Explain the meaning of "sophisticated client."
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
5) Which of the following best describes the role of the lawyer?
A) The lawyer makes the legal decisions for the client.
B) The lawyer is simply one of the experts the businessperson consults.
C) The client must follow the lawyer's instructions, as long as they are lawful.
D) The client makes decisions regarding civil matters; the lawyer makes decisions regarding
criminal matters.
E) The lawyer makes decisions regarding civil matters; the client makes decisions regarding
criminal matters.
Answer: B
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 4
Topic: Ch. 1 - The Role of the Lawyer
Skill: Recall
Objective: Chapter 1: 2. Examine the role of the lawyer.
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
6) One reason for a lack of respect for lawyers is that
A) many people do not understand the role of the lawyer in the solicitor-client relationship.
B) lawyers are not bound by a code of professional conduct.
C) lawyers who breach their duties are generally not subject to any punishment.
D) lawyers are rarely able to provide information or advice relevant to business matters.
E) the cost of legal advice generally outweighs its benefit.
Answer: A
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 3
Topic: Ch. 1 - The Role of the Lawyer
Skill: Recall
Objective: Chapter 1: 2. Examine the role of the lawyer.
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
7) The role of the lawyer is to
A) provide legal advice relevant to the client's situation, which the client is free to ignore.
B) provide legal advice relevant to the client's situation, which the client has no choice but to
C) tell clients what they must do.
D) tell clients what they must not do.
E) delay the client's decision-making process.
Answer: A
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 4
Topic: Ch. 1 - The Role of the Lawyer
Skill: Recall
Objective: Chapter 1: 2. Examine the role of the lawyer.
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
8) Which of the following statements best describes solicitor-client privilege?
A) The lawyer makes the legal decisions for the client.
B) The lawyer is the only expert a client should consult.
C) The lawyer must follow the client's instructions, even if they are illegal in nature.
D) It is the duty of the lawyer to keep the information provided by the client confidential.
E) The lawyer makes decisions regarding civil matters; the client makes decisions regarding
criminal matters.
Answer: D
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 4
Topic: Ch. 1 - The Role of the Lawyer
Skill: Recall
Objective: Chapter 1: 2. Examine the role of the lawyer.
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
9) Sophisticated clients
A) do not require the services of a lawyer.
B) understand the importance of the solicitor-client relationship.
C) distrust and deride lawyers.
D) is someone with formal legal training.
E) should represent themselves, rather than paying for legal services.
Answer: B
Diff: 2 Type: MC Page Ref: 4
Topic: Ch. 1 - When to Hire a Lawyer
Skill: Recall
Objective: Chapter 1: 1. Explain the meaning of "sophisticated client."
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
10) Raman is a sophisticated client. This means that she
A) understands how to manage a lawyer-client relationship.
B) has a law degree.
C) is a small business owner.
D) manages her legal affairs without assistance from a lawyer.
E) will probably never find herself in a situation necessitating legal advice.
Answer: A
Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 5
Topic: Ch. 1 - When to Hire a Lawyer
Skill: Recall
Objective: Chapter 1: 1. Explain the meaning of "sophisticated client."
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

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