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Safe Maternity & Pediatric NursingCare, 1st Edition Chapter 1: Healthy People 2020 and Initiatives for Healthy Families

Safe Maternity & Pediatric NursingCare, 1st Edition Chapter 1: Healthy People 2020 and Initiatives for Healthy Families


1. Which statement is accurate regarding the Healthy People 2020 initiative related to families, children, and infants?
1) Most of the Healthy People documents apply specifically to infants and children.
2) Healthy People documents address the good health of adults, which benefits children.
3) There are no Healthy People initiatives specifically addressing infants or children.
4) The only initiative impacting families, infants, and children encourages breastfeeding.
ANS: 2
Chapter number and title: 1: Healthy People 2020 and Initiatives for Healthy Families Chapter learning objective: Describe how the Healthy People 2020 initiative relates to families, children, and infants.
Chapter page reference: 4
Heading: Leading Health Indicators Integrated processes: Caring
Client need: Health Promotion and Maintenance Cognitive level: Comprehension [Understanding] Concept: Promoting Health
Difficulty: Easy

1 Very few of the Healthy People 2020 initiatives are specific to families, children, or infants.
2 By helping adults stay healthy, Healthy People 2020 creates healthier families with healthier children, so this statement is accurate.
3 Some Healthy People 2020 initiatives do address children, but they are in the minority.
4 There are initiatives impacting families, infants, and children other than the one mentioned in the chapter on breastfeeding.

PTS: 1 CON: Promoting Health

2. What two federal agencies oversee objectives related to maternal, infant, and child health in the Healthy People 2020 initiative?
1) The Department of Agriculture and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2) The Department of Children and Youth Services and the Health Resources and Services Administration
3) The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the Health Resources and Services Administration
4) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Health Resources and Services Administration
ANS: 4
Chapter number and title: 1: Healthy People 2020 and Initiatives for Healthy Families

Chapter learning objective: List government agencies that are involved in the Healthy People objectives.
Chapter page reference: 3 Heading: Historical Perspective Integrated processes: Caring
Client need: Health Promotion and Maintenance Cognitive level: Comprehension [Understanding] Concept: Promoting Health
Difficulty: Easy

1 The Department of Agriculture is not involved in overseeing objectives.
2 The Department of Children and Youth Services is not involved in overseeing objectives.
3 The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has no role in overseeing objectives.
4 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Health Resources and
Services Administration are the agencies that oversee the objectives of Healthy People 2020.

PTS: 1 CON: Promoting Health

3. Who created the original Healthy People initiative?
1) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2) The Health Resources and Services Administration
3) President Jimmy Carter
4) The surgeon general of the United States
ANS: 4
Chapter number and title: 1: Healthy People 2020 and Initiatives for Healthy Families Chapter learning objective: Describe how the Healthy People 2020 initiative relates to families, children, and infants.
Chapter page reference: 4
Heading: Leading Health Indicators Integrated processes: Caring
Client need: Health Promotion and Maintenance Cognitive level: Comprehension [Understanding] Concept: Promoting Health
Difficulty: Easy

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