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A nurse is caring for four clients. Which of the following tasks can the
nurse assign to an AP? - CORRECT-Perform chest compressions on a
client who is in cardiac arrest.
The nurse should assign an AP to perform chest compressions on a client
who is in cardiac arrest. Performing basic CPR is within an AP's range of
A Nurse is teaching a newly licensed nurse about using electronic medical
records. which of the following statements by the newly licensed nurse
indicated an understanding of the teaching? - CORRECT -"My access to
client electronic medical records may be tracked by my nurse
The nurse should keep her password private and not share it with anyone
else to decrease the risk for a breach of client confidentiality.The nurse
should expect her employer to track access of client records to ensure
client confidentiality.While a client has the right to read his medical
record, and the nurse can allow him to do so by following facility protocol,
a client's partner does not have that right unless granted by the client.The
nurse should log out of the electronic medical record when not actively
using it. Failure to log out increases the risk for breach of client
a nurse is receiving change-of-shift report. which of the following clients
should the nurse assess first? - ANSWER-A client who had abdominal
surgery 6 hours ago and had a heart rate of 120/min for the last 2 hours.
A nurse is reviewing a client's medication administration record and finds
that the client has not received a prescribed dose of warfarin for 2 days.
which of the following actions should the nurse take first? - CORRECT -
Check the client's INR.
A nurse manager is presenting an in-service about preventing
readmission of clients dues to complications following joint arthroplasty.
Which of the following leadership tasks is the nurse performing? -
CORRECT -Advocay
a nurse is teaching an AP about caring for a client who has a DNR order.
Which of the following statements by the AP indicates an understanding of
the teaching? - CORRECT -"I will call for the client's nurse to come to
the room if I cannot detect the client's pulse."
The AP should contact the nurse for further assessment whenever a
client's condition does not meet expected findings. The client who has a
DNR order in place does not require resuscitation.
A RN delegates the task of obtaining the bp of a client who is 2hr post-op
following a cholecystectomy to a LPN. The LPN reports a BP that is
significantly higher than the clients previous reading. which of the
following actions should the RN take first? - CORRECT -Recheck client's
A public health nurse is developing a list of recommendations for her
supervisior on how to use EBP to improve community outcomes. Which of
the following should the nurse recommend as a qualitative research
method? - CORRECT -Phenomenology
Meta-analysis is a quantitative research method that provides a
statistical analysis of multiple studies conducted on the same
topic.Experimental study is a quantitative research method that uses
control and treatment groups to test at least one independent
variable.Phenomenology is a qualitative research method that provides
additional understanding of participants' experiences with emotional
variances, such as grief and hope.Secondary analysis is a quantitative
research method that uses previously collected data to answer newly
formed hypotheses.
A nurse at a urgent care clinic notices that a pain assessment is not being
performed for all clients as required by policy. Which of the following
actions should the nurse take to ensure care is provided according to
policy? - CORRECT -Report this issue to the nurse manager.
The nurse should report this issue to the nurse manager because it is the
manager's responsibility to ensure that standards are met and that care
is provided according to policy.
A nurse is teaching a client about advance directives. Which of the
following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the
teaching? - CORRECT -"These will outline my wishes for medication
The purpose of advance directives is to outline the client's wishes if they
become unresponsive
A nurse is caring for a client who recently learned he has a mutation of
the BRCA2 gene. The client states that he does not plan to tell his adult
children about the dx. Which of the following responses displays clients
advocacy by the nurse? - CORRECT -"Let's review what you
understand about this test result."

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