$ 30.14



1. A 64 year-old client scheduled for surgery with a general anesthetic refuses to remove a set of dentures prior to leaving the unit for the operating room. What would be the most appropriate intervention by the nurse?
A) Explain to the client that the dentures must come out as they may get lost or broken in the operating room
B) Ask the client if there are second thoughts about having the procedure
C) Notify the anesthesia department and the surgeon of the client's refusal
D) Ask the client if the preference would be to remove the dentures in the operating room receiving area
The correct answer is D: Ask the client if the preference would be to remove the dentures in the operating room receiving area

2. The nurse has been teaching adult clients about cardiac risks when they visit the hypertension clinic. Which form of evaluation would best measure learning?
A) Performance on written tests
B) Responses to verbal questions
C) Completion of a mailed survey
D) Reported behavioral changes
The correct answer is D: Reported behavioral changes

3. The nurse is planning care for an 18 month-old child. Which action should be included in the child's care?
A) Hold and cuddle the child frequently
B) Encourage the child to feed himself finger food
C) Allow the child to walk independently on the nursing unit
D) Engage the child in games with other children
The correct answer is B: Encourage the child to feed himself finger food

4. A partner is concerned because the client frequently daydreams about moving to Arizona to get away from the pollution and crowding in southern California. The nurse explains that
A) Such fantasies can gratify unconscious wishes or prepare for anticipated future events
B) Detaching or dissociating in this way postpones painful feelings

C) This conversion or transferring of a mental conflict to a physical symptom can lead to marital conflict
D) To isolate the feelings in this way reduces conflict within the client and with others The correct answer is A: Such fantasies can gratify unconscious wishes or prepare for

future events

5. An appropriate goal for a client with anxiety would be to
A) Ventilate anxious feelings to the nurse
B) Establish contact with reality
C) Learn self-help techniques
D) Become desensiti

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