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1.A nurse is completing an admission assessment on an adolescent child who is a vegetarian. He eats milk products but does not like beans. Which of the following items should the nurse suggest the client order for lunch to provide nutrients most likely to be lacking in his diet?
a.Peanut butter and jelly sandwich

2.A nurse is caring for a 1-month old infant who weighs 3540 g and is prescribed a dose of cephazolin 50mg/kg IV bolus TID. How many mg should the nurse administer per dose?

The dose of cephazolin can then be determined by dividing the infant's weight by the recommended dose per kilogram:

3.54 kg times 50 mg/kg equals 177 mg

3.A nurse is preforming a pre-college assessment on an adolescent. Which of the following immunizations should the nurse anticipate administering?
a.Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine

4.A nurse is assessing a client who has left-sided heart failure. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect?
a.Dependent edema

5.A nurse is caring for a client who has active TB and is to be started on IV rifampin therapy. The nurse should instruct the client that this medication can cause which of the following adverse effects?
a.Body secretions turning a red-orange color

6.A nurse is caring for a 6-week-old infant who as a pyloric stenosis. Which of the following manifestations should the nurse expect?
a.Projectile vomiting

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Clare RN

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