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Missouri Post Study Guide (Answered 100% Correctly) 2024-2025

Missouri Post Study Guide (Answered 100% Correctly) 2024-2025

Missouri Post Study Guide (Answered 100% Correctly) 2024-2025
Missouri Post Study Guide (Answered 100%
Correctly) 2024-2025
Q: Do all ATV accidents have to be reported in Statewide Traffic Accident
Records System (STARS)?
A: No. However, every law enforcement officer who investigates a vehicle
accident resulting in injury to or death of a person, or total property damage to an
apparent extent of "five hundred dollars" or more to one person, or who otherwise
prepares a written report as a result of an investigation.
Q: What is the preferred method of measurement in a traffic accident?
A: Triangulation - triangulation is the process of determining the location of a
point by measuring angles to it from known points at either end of a fixed baseline,
rather than measuring distances to the point directly (trilateration). The point can
then be fixed as the third point of a triangle with one known side and two known
Q: How many types of fingerprints are there?
A: There are three main fingerprint patterns: Arches, Loops and Whorls.
Q: Who should advise juveniles of their rights?
A: Juvenile Officer.
Q: Who can transport juveniles?
A: Officers can transport juveniles to a juvenile detention facility or to a medical
facility for treatment when necessary.
Q: What do you write in a block that is not used in a STARRS report?
A: If the question asked does not apply, mark the "NA" box when available or
neatly enter "NA" (Not Applicable) in the section. If the information is not known,
Q: How is the date/time written in a STARS report (ex. MM-DD-YYY)?
A: Example: January 3, 2000 should be shown as 01-03-2000. Use Military time
(24 hr clock) when recording time on a STARS
Q: Who should you be cautious with, when conducting a traffic stop?(everyone)
A: Everyone - you must maintain situational awareness at all times of the driver,
any passengers, traffic, and what you cannot see (i.e. hidden compartments such as
the trunk).
Q: What are the two firing stances for the pistol?
A: The Isosceles and the Weaver.
Q: Is the year of the vehicle indicated in the VIN?
A: Yes
Q: Can the VIN be located on the dashboard of a vehicle?
A: Enter Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) as shown on vehicle. Normally, the
VIN on cars and trucks is located on the left front dashboard adjacent to the
windshield (Driver Side).
Q: What three types of driving are conducted in a law enforcement vehicle?
A: Emergency, non-emergency, and pursuit
Q: When operating a vehicle in a non-emergency status, what traffic laws must be

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