$ 15.91

Community Health 2019 B (Answered 100% Correctly)

Community Health 2019 B (Answered 100% Correctly)

Community Health 2019 B (Answered 100% Correctly)
Community Health 2019 B (Answered 100%
A case manager at a home health agency is obtaining equipment for a clients home
use. Which of the following actions is a relation of client confidentiality?
A. The case manager used a computer at the agency with an automatic sign-off
B. The case manager left a Clipboard with the clients prescription information face
up on the office desk.
C. The case manager sent a fax to the equipment company on a machine using
programmed speed dial
D. The case manager shared the client's name with the equipment company
B. The case manager left a Clipboard with the clients prescription information face
up on the office desk.
A school nurse is conducting visual acuity testing for a school age child using a
Snellen letter chart. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
A. Allow the child to keep her glasses on during the testing
B. Have the child stand 5 feet away from
C. Progress to the next line once the child reads two symbols correctly
D. Begin the test by instructing the child to use both eyes to read the chart
A. Allow the child to keep her glasses on during the testing
A School Nurse is serving on a community disaster planning committee looking at
school shooting scenarios.Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to
take during the response please?
C. Perform triage and provide hands-on care as needed to victims
A nurse manager at a community health clinic is presenting an in service for nurses
about assessing clients who have experienced violence. Which of the following
statements by a nurse indicates an understanding of the teaching?

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