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Ontario Smart Serve Practice Questions And Answers 2024/2025, Exams of Nursing with 100% Guaranteed Success!!

Ontario Smart Serve Practice  Questions And Answers  2024/2025, Exams of Nursing  with 100% Guaranteed  Success!!

Ontario Smart Serve Practice
Questions And Answers
2024/2025, Exams of Nursing
with 100% Guaranteed

1. When should you start assessing customers using the traffic light system?
- When they enter the establishment
2. Who grants licences for the sale and service of alcohol in Ontario
3. A cashier notices a person who appears to be underage passing money to a
customer entering a store. The underage person who waits outside while
the customer puts a six pack of beer on the counter, what should the
cashier do?
- Refuse the sale because she suspects the customer is buying alc for an
underage person.
4. Which foods are better at slowing down the rate of alc absorption into the
blood stream?
- Foods high in protein.
5. Which of the following is not a acceptance form of ID? - Credit card
6. Which of the following are not allowed under the LLA?
- Offering free food
- Requiring that a minimum number of drinks be purchased
- Offering free soft drinks
- Watering down drinks without a customer’s approval
7. Which of the following indicates that an ID may have been tampered with?
- Air bubbles in the lamination
8. Which of the following are permissible hours for the sale of alc in a grocery
- Monday- Sunday 9am until 11pm
9. Which of the following statements is true in regards to rating your guests?
- It can take up to 30 minutes for a g

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