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Summary Organizational Change and Consultancy

Summary Organizational Change and Consultancy

Summary containing the following articles:
- Explaining development and change in organizations (Van de Ven & Poole, 1995)
- Organizational identities and the hazard of change (Hannan, Baron, Hsu & Koçak, 2006)
- Organizational change and employee stress (Dahl, 2010)
- Leading change: Why transformation efforts fail (Kotter, 1995)
- The effects of transformational leadership on commitment to change (Herold, Fedor, Liu & Cardwell, 2008)
- Fair process: Managing in the knowledge economy (Kim & Mauborgne, 2003)
- Resistance to change: The rest of the story (Ford, Ford & D’Amelio, 2008)
- Change readiness: A multilevel review (Rafferty, Jimmieson & Armenakis, 2013)
- Move to the beat: Rhythms of change and firm performance (Klarner & Raisch, 2013)
- Tired of innovations? Learned helplessness and fatigue in context of continuous streams of innovation implementation (Chung, Choi & Du, 2017)
- What is a professional service firm? (Von Nordenflycht & Fraser, 2010)
- Seizing opportunity in emerging fields (David, Sine & Haveman, 2013)
- Big picture is better: construal level vs. advice taking (Reyt, Wiesenfeld & Trope, 2016)
- The client role in consultancy relations during the appropriation of technological innovations (Hislop, 2002)
- The anatomy of a consulting firm (Maister, 2004)
- Embracing, passing, revealing and the ideal worker image (Reid, 2015)
- Organizational membership, ambiguity and the ambivalent identity of internal consultants (Wright, 2009)
- The stock market reaction to the hiring of management consultants (Bergh & Gibbons, 2011)
- The impact of technical consultants on the quality of their clients’ products (Barthélemy, 2016)
- Ethics for management consultants (Poulfelt, 1997)
- Advisory anxieties: Ethical individualization in UK consulting (O’Mahoney, 2011)
- The acceptance and perpetuation of corruption (Anand, Ashforth & Joshi, 2005)

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