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The Mind in Standards and Numbers

The Mind in Standards and Numbers

One of the most fascinating subjects for science are the humans themselves. Our ability to feel empathy, to reason or focus, to react and act upon things show complicated processes not available to all living beings. But were does this come from? Do humans have a mind or a soul, maybe both? How is this connected to out body? Who is in control of these processes. Thousands of different questions can be asked when it comes to our thinking and feeling. Nowadays we have come a long way in answering some of the questions. Different scientific disciplines go into depth to find out more on how our mind and consciousness work but these sciences started their search a long time ago. One of these sciences is the psychology. Today most people know psychology as a more practical sciences focussing on the mind and behaviours of people. Not only on the level of emotional support and well-being of the mind but also on a medical, experimental and scientific approach of the mental is psychology an important science. Cartesian Dualism, the idea that mind and body were separate, lost most its validity and made way for a new approach of the mind, body and humans as a whole. Psychology first appeared in Germany during the 19th century, although it wasn’t acknowledged as an academic discipline till the in the 20th century. Psychologists wanted the science of psychology to be recognized as a separate discipline because they thought it would approach mental systems neither from a physiological view nor from a philosophical view but from a new approach. It had to become a proper science, testable and recordable. And with this in mind, structuralist Wilhelm Wundt became the founding father of experimental psychology.

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