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Clinical psychology - Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Summary

Clinical psychology - Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Summary

This is a summary of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, often studied and applied to clinical psychology. This summary has been made using the works of the following:
Cortina, M. (2010). The future of psychodynamic psychotherapy. Psychiatry, 73(1), 43-56.
Long, C. (2002). Psychoanalytic community psychology: Crossing worlds or worlds apart? In L.Swartz, K.Gibson, & T.Gelman (Eds.), Reflective Practice: Psychodynamic ideas in the community (pp. 113-124). Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Publishers.

It draws on these mentioned academics as well as various theories from Sigmund Freud (structure of personality, defence mechanisms, attachment styles, etc)

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