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Hello, everyone,

In this 42-pages long summary:

 I have summarised all mandatory articles from the Virtual Reader (all thirteen articles for a total of 125 pages of reading materials)
 I have highlighted the key concepts and ideas in every article
 I have summarised the material provided from the three company presentations

 NOTE: Article 6 (Mintzberg, H. 2009) is NOT summarised as it is an interview with Mintzberg (a 13min audio file)
 NOTE: The content of the two lectures regarding the articles is NOT summarised

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Hello everyone,

My name is Vladislav Dimitrov and I am a second-year IB student at the University of Groningen. I am highly motivated and diligent student who likes to study in an effective and systematised way. In order to achieve this goal I always prepare my summaries by myself and always study from them after completion. The fact that I had a GPA of 8.33 for the first year supports my diligence and the quality of the materials which I prepare.

My summaries are very detailed and the information is clearly, aesthetically and systematically summarised. In the summaries I always underline the most important concepts and ideas which makes them easier to read and memorise. When I prepare the summaries I always strictly follow the structure and layout of the original sources.

My aim is to share my notes with you in an attempt to help you better prepare for the exams in exchange for a nominal amount of money.

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    Zeker de kost waard om dit uit proberen. Heel leerrijke documenten die helemaal voldoen aan je verwachtingen.

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    Een prettige site waar vele verschillende documenten zijn te downloaden. Prijs/kwaliteit is goed. Ik heb er veel aan gehad tijdens het leren.

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    Dit is de beste manier van samenvatten! Ik gebruik Knoowy om samenvatting te vinden over het onderwerp waar ik een toets over krijg. Dan vind ik het altijd, dat is erg fijn!

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