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Samenvatting Europees en internationaal recht (rechtspraktijk European and international law)

Samenvatting Europees en internationaal recht (rechtspraktijk European and international law)

Zeer uitgebreide samenvatting van europees en internationaal recht, met alle notities van tijdens de les. De inhoudstafel is slechts beperkt, het betreft enkel de hoofdtitels.
International Law 1
The nature and development of international law 1
The United Nations (UN) (verenigde naties) 2
ICJ (internationaal gerechtshof) 4
Organisation of the Court (art.2+13+19 statute of the international court of justice) 4
Jurisdiction of the Court (art.65 statute of internation court of justice + 96 UN charter: kruisverwijzing!) 5
Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice 5
Sources of law (art.38! statute of the international court) 6
Remedies 6
Enforcement 6
Sources 7
The problem of discovering IL 7
ICJ Statute (art.38 statute of the international court of justice) 7
Treaties: the law of treaties (art.2 vienna convention on the law of treaties) 7
Custom (gewoonterecht) 10
General principles of law (algemene rechtsbeginselen) 10
Judicial decisions 10
Writers (art.38 ICJ) 11
Hierarchy (art.38 icj) 11
International and municipal (national) law 11
Dualism 11
Monism 11
Subjects of IL 11
States 12
Self-determination (art.1, lid 2 UN charter 1945) 17
Individuals 17
International organizations 22
International protection of human rights 23
The UN system 23
Regional protection 24
Dispute settlement (art.33 UN charter) 25
CAPITA SELECTA – Diplomatic law 25
European integration 31
Legal framework 35
The era of crisis 36
Sovereign debt crisis 36
Brexit 37
The crisis of the liberal values 37
EU Institutions 38
The Commission 38
The Council of Ministers 39
The European Parliament 39
The Court of Justice of the European Union 40
The ECB (european central bank) (niet zo belangrijk) 42
The principle of transparency 43
Lawmaking 44
EU law 46
Rights and remedies in domestic courts 48
Structure of the EU (=art.3 TEU) 50
EU citizenship 50
The Internal Market 52

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