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1. A nurse is caring for an older adult client who was admitted to a long term care facility and
requires total care. Which of the following is an appropriate nursing action while
providing mouth care?
Turn the client on his side before starting mouth care
2. A nurse is educating a group of assistive personnel about the care of older adult clients.
The nurse educator is including information about the developmental tasks of older
adults. Which of the following should the nurse use as an example of a nursing action that
best meets the psychosocial tasks of older adults, according to Erikson?
-Providing the client’s opportunity to discuss their lives and losses
3. A nurse working in a community health center is completing an assessment of an older
adult female client. To which of the following findings should the nurse give immediate
- Rales in the bases
4. An older adult client with a moderate hearing loss seeks medical attention in the clinic
The nurse can best meet the needs of the hearing impaired client by doing which of the
Understanding that not all hearing impaired clients communicate the same way
5. A nurse is educating a group of older adult clients regarding their diet choices. Which of
the following diet modifications should the nurse recommend to the older adult clients?
Increased calcium older adults have lost bone density and are prone to fractures;
therefore, it is appropriate to recommend a diet that is high in calcium.
6. A nurse is asked to speak to a group of healthy, older adult clients about normal aging and
sexual response. The nurse should include in the discussion techniques to help the clients
adapt to which of the following?
Decreased vaginal lubrication  older adult female pts may report painful intercourse
related to vaginal narrowing and decreased vaginal secretions. The nurse should suggest
the use of water-soluble lubricants with intercourse to ameliorate the effects of these
normal changes.
7. A nurse in a long term care facility is caring for an older adult client who has ben giving a
cane t assist with ambulation. Which of the following nursing actions puts the client at
Placing the can on the side of the client's weak side
8. A nurse is caring for an 85 year old client. Which of the following assessment findings
should the nurse report to the provider immediately?
-Cannot discriminate between hot and cold sensations below the knee of the left
extremity  lack of feeling or sensation below the knee of the leg can be a manifestation
of poor circulation to that extremity.
9. A nurse is caring for an older adult client who is receiving multiple medication. Which of
the following is an appropriate statement by the nurse?
-Receiving multiple medications can lead to drug interactions
10. A nurse is caring for an older adult client who is being admitted to the hospital with abdominal
pan. During the initial assessment, the nurse notes that the client just nods and smiles in response
to the questions asked. Which of the following common developmental concerns is the client
-hearing loss  the senses often diminish with age and it is not unusual for older adult clients to
be hard of hearing. The nurse may not be receiving appropriate responses because the client is
hard of hearing. Hearing loss is not necessarily a normal physiological change of older adults and
should be further evaluated and treated.
11. A nurse is caring for an older adult client who is dying. The client tells the nurse, "I just
want to live one more month so I can see my grandchild get married." The nurse should
recognize that, according to Kubler-Ross' stages of grief, the client is in which stage? -
12. A nurse in a long-term care facility recognizes that there is potential for physical and
psychological abuse of older adult residents. Which of the following is the best nursing
Provide staff with education about the abuse of older adult clients and stress
management  proactive intervention that will give staff members the information and
skills that are necessary to prevent abuse in this setting. The nurse should recognize that
caring for older adult clients can be stressful and frustrating at times. Giving staff
members training for stress-management skills addresses this aspect of potential abuse.
13. A nurse is taking an older adult client's history. The client reports being depressed and
having difficulty sleeping for several months. In evaluating the client's sleep disturbance,
the nurse should be guided by the knowledge of which of the following? -Anxiety and
depression frequently cause disturbed sleep patterns
14. A nurse is caring for a client who is in pain and is receiving a transdermal patch. The
nurse should understand that transdermal medication should be applied to which of the
following places on older adult clients?
Hairless area of the torso  circulation in the extremities decreases with age, therefore
when caring for an older adult client, topical or transdermal skin patches should be
applied to the torso where circulation is better

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